NStar Articles

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USNA Notable Graduate: Captain Thomas J. Hudner, Jr.

By Bill the Goat on Nov 25, 2023 10:00:00 AM

In the course of many USNA Notable Graduates’ careers, many have accomplished great things because they have been faced with insurmountable odds, adversity that could topple the hardiest of souls, and choices that have no upside, no matter how they’re considered. For USNA Notable Graduate Captain Thomas Jerome Hudner, Jr., his career was defined by making an impossible choice.

Topics: USNA Graduate
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4 min read

Service Assignment Spotlight: Navy Submarines

By Bill the Goat on Oct 15, 2023 7:30:00 AM

Each year, the U.S. Naval Academy graduates about 1,000 midshipmen. After four years of tireless dedication to the mental, physical and moral missions of the Academy, these intrepid young women and men are ready to take on the next level of responsibility and further their military careers with USNA service assignments in the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. This blog series explores the various career paths they can pursue in the U.S. Naval Fleet, including as surface warfare officers (SWOs), nuclear power—surface, naval aviation, submarine warfare, naval special warfare and with the U.S. Marine Corps, among others. Here, we’ll dive into the world of Navy submarines.

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4 min read

USNA Notable Graduate: William C. McCool

By Bill the Goat on Oct 12, 2023 9:00:00 AM

After his death, William C. McCool was awarded the third highest honor bestowed on an astronaut—the Congressional Space Medal of Honor. He also received the NASA Space Flight Medal, the NASA Distinguished Service Medal and the Defense Distinguished Service Medal. On October 7, 2023, Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Carlos Del Toro posthumously promoted Cmdr. William “Willie” C. McCool to the rank of Captain. Captain William C. McCool made tremendous contributions to the U.S. Navy, NASA and the world throughout his extraordinary life. Although it was cut short tragically when the vessel he was commanding, the space shuttle Columbia, was lost, his achievements will never be forgotten.

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