NStar Articles

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USNA Barber Shop Reopening & Ribbon Cutting

Oct 27, 2020 11:45:09 AM

October Blog Barbershop Reopening & Ribbon Cutting

LEFT TO RIGHT: Vice Admiral Sean Buck, Superintendent; Tammy Barber, USNA Barbershop Manager; Doug Borrebach, Director, Naval Academy Business Services Division; Rondell Williams, USNA Barbershop, Lead Barber; Jennifer Sheppard; Captain Thomas R. Buchanan, USNA Commandant; Paula Clarke, Barber; Captain Thomas M. Feeks, USN (Ret.), Director, Midshipmen Services.

Every midshipmen at the Naval Academy needs to keep their haircut within the set regulations. Fortunately, the USNA Barber Shop, located in Bancroft Hall's basement, is up to the task. This Barber Shop is one of the iconic elements of life at the Naval Academy, and an essential part of the Yard.

The Barber Shop recently finished renovations and is opening again. Before these renovations, some elements were notably in need of a facelift. 



While always clean, organized, and at the ready - just like the midshipmen it serves - the Barber Shop needed an update. And with the renovations done, this Barber Shop is looking sleek, tidy, and inspiring - again, just like the midshipmen it serves. Take a look at the NEW Barber Shop below:



Vice Admiral Sean Buck, the Superintendent of the USNA, cut the ribbon on the newly renovated Barber Shop. He spoke about the challenges that the Academy and its staff have faced recently, and declared the Barber Shop reopened. Watch this video of his speech and the official reopening here:


And here Vice Admiral Sean Buck giving the NEW Barber Shop equipment a go: 


Services provided to the Brigade of Midshipmen, such as the Barber Shop, are operated by the Naval Academy Business Services Division (NABSD). 100% of Navyonline’s proceeds are returned to the Brigade of Midshipmen through the Midshipmen Welfare Fund (MWF) which is used to fund a wide variety of USNA extracurricular activities.

Related: USNA Barber Shop: Plebe Hair Requirements

Shop to support the midshipmen today, and stay tuned for our next blog entry, where we'll discuss the USNA Barber Shop's history in detail and show you real photos from its past!

Topics: Insider

Bill the Goat
Written by Bill the Goat

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