Professional conferences provide attendees with a variety of opportunities unavailable in their daily working lives. Not only can participants share and listen to presentations about new research and ongoing work that others in the field are doing, but they can also network with individuals they might not otherwise meet.
As a prominent institution of higher education, with renowned programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), the Naval Academy hosts the Science and Engineering Conference (NASEC) each year. This conference brings together science advisors and policy makers, as well as university students and faculty, to consider and discuss the issues and challenges encountered in science and engineering. In previous years, military leaders, astronauts, congressional representatives, and industry leaders in a wide variety of STEM fields have attended and spoken at NASEC.
As future leaders and Navy or Marine Corps Officers, NASEC allows midshipmen majoring in science and engineering fields the opportunity to attend a forum that brings them together with their civilian counterparts from other colleges and universities nationwide. Unlike other professional conferences, attendees are not merely listening to the presenters speak about cutting-edge research. NASEC is considered a working conference, and it is anticipated that attendees will take part in discussions of both the challenges presented and potential solutions.
Each year, the conference focuses on a new theme. The theme of this year’s NASEC is Oceans: Exploration, Conservation, and Extreme Events. The first day of the conference generally consists of distinguished speakers and subject matter experts presenting their viewpoints and current challenges related to the year’s theme. Participating students will spend time in discussions with other students on one of the challenges presented under this year’s theme topics - ocean exploration, conservation, or extreme events. During the final day of the conference, students will gather in their topic-based teams to present summaries of their findings.

Students who would like to engage in conversation with others on the research they are conducting at their own college or university, as part of a specific course or capstone project, will have an opportunity to participate through the NASEC poster session. A prize is awarded to the top poster at the end of the session, and poster abstracts will be published in the Bulletin of NASEC 2019.
Attending professional conferences is an important segment of professional education and development. By taking part in conferences such as NASEC, midshipmen are able to take science, technology, engineering, and mathematics theories and philosophies learned in the classroom and apply them to current real-world challenges and scenarios.
The 9th annual Naval Academy Science and Engineering Conference will be held on November 3-5, 2019, on the grounds of the United States Naval Academy. Space is limited. Students who are interested in attending should obtain a nomination from the Dean or President of their college or university.