NStar Articles

3 min read

Plebe Issue: A Behind the Scenes Look

By Bill the Goat on Jun 30, 2021 8:15:00 AM

Plebe Summer is here! That means the herculean effort of Plebe Issue, preparing the Plebes for summer and beyond in a few short hours, is also here!

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3 min read

USNA Glee Club: Made by Midshipmen, Made Possible with NABSD and You

By Bill the Goat on Jun 29, 2021 8:30:00 AM

The Women’s and Men’s Glee Clubs are just two of the 140+ activities, including club athletic, service, artistic and academic, that the Naval Academy Business Services Division (NABSD) helps to fund. Without your support, NABSD would not be able to provide the level of experience that forms the heart of the USNA extracurricular experience.

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2 min read

Welcome to the USNA!

By Bill the Goat on Jun 24, 2021 8:45:00 AM

Congratulations! Those long years of sacrifice - weekend-long competitions, sports practices and tournaments, unending theater and music rehearsals, and hours of studying, testing, working and pure perseverance - have paid off. Your Plebe has been accepted into one of the most prestigious military academies in the world. Only 8% of applicants make it to this point. We are excited to welcome them to the Yard!

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